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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Give Me No Epiphanies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Give Me No Epiphanies - Essay Example rney and Kibbe’s sees, a confined government where lawmakers represent the standards of individual freedom and self-sufficiency and the individuals campaign for the reclamation of these standards in the legislature. Arney and Kibbe are against the revelation of Republicans that they ought to be increasingly similar to Democrats to win, and rather, they stress that the last should concentrate on the dynamic goals of good administration. Arney and Kibbe clarify that Republicans ought to return to their major convictions, where the individuals must control the legislature, and not the reverse way around. â€Å"Against Epiphanies†shows that their revelation about administration is brilliant in light of the fact that for Arney and Kibbe, just a limited government can resolve American society’s and government’s ills. Their revelation lies in inconsistency to the Democratic revelation that America needs greater government since they contend that the administration needs more individuals who have individual freedom and self-rule to settle on individual and aggregate choices. They likewise reprimand the ascent of Big Corporations that help and advantage from Big Government. Thus, Ar ney and Kibbe rethink themselves, where they convince individuals to cooperate through little commitments and activities, with the goal that they can change their legislature and set control back to the individuals. â€Å"Against Epiphanies†shows that Give Us Liberty is a political revelation on account of what Arney and Kibbe find about common society and the legislature. They understood that they don't should be legislators to advance social and political changes. They just need to assemble enough mass impact to constrain government officials to change their legislative issues by returning to the fundamental rules that can make the U.S. an incredible nation again the standards of individual opportunity and self-rule, not the standards of Big Government and Big
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Using Gmat Essay Samples
Using Gmat Essay SamplesGmat essay samples are meant to help students in passing their test and obtaining a degree. There are different styles of essays. Students can use the samples as a reference for their essay. It is best to use the sample for a few days before writing the actual essay.The samples are meant to help students make the right decisions when it comes to writing an essay. Students have to consider a variety of things in writing an essay. Many students do not know the information that they need to learn when it comes to writing an essay. These samples are there to teach students how to find out information on their own. They have done research about the topic.Students need to know how to talk about topics. They also need to be able to figure out what grammar is and to know how to read an essay. Students should be able to write an essay with a good flow. Most of the time, writers cannot achieve this because they have no idea what the proper grammar and writing should loo k like. This is why many times students do not know what to do with their essays.Most of the time, students do not think about this until after they write their essays. This is what causes them to fail the test or get bad grades. Most of the time, students do not understand what type of writing they need to do in order to create an essay that will pass the test. This is why students need to take advantage of the samples.The samples have been specifically created for the purpose of teaching students. They give them ideas about how to do an essay and also give them tips on how to make their writing more interesting. They know what topics are discussed on a test and how to make an essay unique. They are also able to speak more in depth about what theyare saying in their essay.They can choose a topic that they want to focus on. They can then make sure that the topic they choose is effective for their topic. They can have a more effective essay if they write the information properly. Gma t essays are different from other types of essays and students need to know that.They need to be able to write about certain types of topics. They should be able to cover topics such as philosophy, history, literature, world religions, etc. The sample is a guide for students. It is not written by the person who created the sample.Students should follow the information in the sample. However, there are some examples that are very generic. This means that students can use the information provided in the sample. They should use the information in the sample properly and write an essay that is interesting.
Friday, August 21, 2020
a place without time :: essays papers
a spot without time From the mountains, you can see it coming. Time sits not too far off like downpour mists, waiting. In the urban areas you heft it around in your pocket. Time is sorted out around where you must be. You run aimlessly around occupied corners, continually hustling against it. In any case, in the mountains, the world sits not too far off, declining to move. Before I at any point went to the city, I used to comprehend what that implied. Presently I wound up attempting to woke, up each morning to take a gander at the mountains and see what they held. In the event that there were mists there, you knew there may be downpour. Be that as it may, I knew there was something to sit tight for. I could watch opportunity approaching. I got back on the grounds that I was all the while yearning for the mists to turn over the horizon and the water to spill out of the slopes. It was if time was losing her memory, as the city had caused me to lose mine. My dad used to state, when he would look down at his feet, they appear to be identical, however the ground is extraordinary. I don't have a clue whether he was overlooking things as well, or recollecting that them all so well. My dad conveyed it as well, in his pocket, so he wouldn't overlook. At the point when individuals got some information about it, he would bring it out and giggle. My sister and I required our dad to hold together our recollections, to hold together the world before we were conceived. The world before our time. Where I lived, there were crushed bugs on the windshield, restless coyotes, and, obviously, trout. My father recollected the stream where he showed me the ways of the world, and how to angle. He said that in the prior days me there had been fish the size of little kids ready to take what ever blessing God, or my father, brought to the table. So when I got back home, I carried my father to that stream, searching for a fix. Any individual who lives long enough starts to be contaminated by a quest for time. You search for it wherever in light of the fact that it is life. Sooner or later, you can feel it in the ground underneath your feet, in the springs in the back ravines, in the mists over the slopes that may never return.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
2019-2020 Common App Essay Prompts
2019-2020 Common App Essay Prompts If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This well-worn idiom captures the mindset of the decision-makers at the Common Application who announced this January that the essay prompts for the upcoming 2019-20 admissions cycle will be the same as they were in 2018-2019. In the opinion of the College Transitions staff, the choice not to tinker was a wise one. A quick look at the data shows that the prompts, as presently constituted, received rave reviews across the boardâ€â€more than 90% of admissions officers, guidance counselors, parents, and students rated the selections positively.In this blog we will review:What are the 2019-20 Common Application Prompts?The most popular Common App prompts that students chooseAdvice on brainstorming/writing your Common App essayThe 2019-20 Common Application Prompts are†¦#1. Some students have a background, identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.#2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?#3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?#4. Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma  anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.#5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.#6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does i t captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?#7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own designWhich prompts are most popular?In 2018-19, the most frequently selected topic was #7, the â€Å"topic of your choice†essay. This prompt was chosen by 24.1% of applicants. Prompt #5, the â€Å"discuss an accomplishment†essay was a close second, attracting 23.7% of seniors. The bronze medal went to prompt #2, the â€Å"challenge, setback, or failure†themed essay, which netted 21.1% of Common App filers. Overall, the three most popular prompts accounted for 68.9% of applicants.These rankings changed slightly from the 2017-18 cycle, when prompt #5 held a slight advantage over prompt #7 for the top spot and the third place finisher was actually #1â€â€the â€Å"background, identity, interest, or talent†prompt.Advice on brai nstorming/writing your essayAt College Transitions, we offer advice for each stage of the writing process and invite you to revisit previous posts on Common App essay related topics.Our Simple Truths about the College Essay will give you a broad overview of what you are hoping to accomplish with your 650-word opportunity to express a compelling and original aspect of yourself.Even if you are only a junior finishing up your first semester, it is never too early to begin thinking about your Common App essay. In fact, getting an early start can relieve stress during the hectic admissions frenzy of your senior year and result in a superior and more polished product. Visit our Brainstorming the Common Application Essay to learn where you should start.If youre still stuck in neutral, consult Part I and Part II of our tips for â€Å"Getting those words on that page.†Advice on what to do is useful, but tips on what not to do are of equal importance. Check out our Five Essay Topics to Avoid to discover what topics admissions officers are sure to find unappealing, off-putting, or downright gross.If you are a real go-getter, you may also wish to get a start on the most prevalent Common App supplement required by collegesâ€â€the â€Å"Why this College Essay.†Reference our guide for mastering the â€Å"Why this College†essay.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Romeo And Juliet Lesson Plan - 1619 Words
MSU Denver English Department Lesson Plan Template Title of base text (for example, title of story or poem. If novel or play, note specific chapter or act and pages): Romeo and Juliet Scene 1 Act 3 Essential Question: What are the consequences of learned hatred? Grade level: 9 Common Core Standard Specifically Addressed:CCSS Craft and Structure 4 Objective for lesson: SWBAT evaluate the language that Shakespeare uses and determine whether or not deeper meaning exists in some of his word choices. Learning Experience Sequence: 1. AS: Upon entering the classroom, some hard to understand phrases from Romeo and Juliet will be written on the board. The instructor will ask the students to write down them down along what they think it†¦show more content†¦visual vocabulary list 2. worksheets with single words instead of passages. Visual Vocabulary: Romeo and Juliet is full of early modern English words that modern readers may find difficult to understand. Below are some that occur in Act I Scene III with definitions and a photo to better help you understand. All definitions were taken from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Doth – Third person singular present of the word â€Å"do†Beseech – ask (someone urgently and fervently to do something Cock’rel – A young male of the domestic chicken Fortnight – A period of two weeks Lineament –A distinctive feature of characteristic, especially relating to the face Name: ____________________ Romeo and Juliet Note Sheet 1 Passage: This precious book of love, this unbound lover, To beautify him, only lacks a cover (Lines 88, 89, Act 1 Scene 3) What is meant by this passage? Is there any figurative language being used? Discuss in your group and write your findings below. Using bullet points is encouraged. Hint: Focus on the word â€Å"cover.††¢ Name: _____________________ Romeo and Juliet NOTE SHEET 2 Passage: The fish lives in the sea, an ‘tis much pride For fair without the fair to hide; (Lines 90, 91 Act 1 Scene 3) What is meant by this passage? Is there any figurative language being used? Discuss in your group and write your findings below.Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet947 Words  | 4 PagesThe play Romeo and Juliet took place in Verona and Mantua, cities in Northern Italy. The play was set to take place in 1300’s during the Renaissance Italy. The important characters in the play were Romeo, the son and heir of Montague and Lady Montague. Juliet, the daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. Friar Lawrence, a Franciscan friar, friend to both Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio, a kinsman to the Prince, and Romeo’s close friend. The Nurse, Juliet’s nurse, the woman who breast-fed Juliet when sheRead MorePyramus And Thisbe Vs. Romeo And Juliet1220 Words  | 5 PagesKevin Lord Josue Prof. Elizabeth Fogle CAMS 045 Final Paper/Final Draft August 15, 2014 Pyramus Thisbe vs. Romeo Juliet Tragic love stories have always been appealing to the literary world. This would be seen in Ovid s Pyramus and Thisbe and William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Ovid, one of Rome’s greatest poets, was famous for The Metamorphoses. His love stories were deeply emotional, yet very tragic. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is the most emotional story in The MetamorphosesRead MoreThe Role of Fate in Shakespeares Romeo and Juiliet807 Words  | 3 Pageswould have guessed that this four letter, one-syllable word would play such a big role in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet? Many people believed that it was free choices that led to the tragic ending of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, but it was really fate. When looking up fate using dictionary.com, it says that fate’s something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune, but in Romeo and Juliet, fate is reality. Perhaps the biggest and most overlooked example of fate was in the Prologue. It tellsRead More Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay1094 Words  | 5 PagesTragedy of Romeo and Juliet, far too many coincidences occur to be strictly coincidental. Fate creates a powerful effect throughout the entire play, starting in the prologue, continuing as Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love, and tragically ending in the lovers’ deaths. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the prologue, Shakespeare makes it undoubtedly clear that Romeo and Juliet are subject to fate. The audience is first introduced to Shakespeare’s ideas of fate when he describes Romeo and Juliet as â€Å"star-cross’dRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1287 Words  | 6 PagesLizzy Baginski English Composition 2 Mr. Spera March 10, 2015 Romeo and Juliet Research Paper The movie Romeo and Juliet is a modern classic film that took place in 1996. Overall this is a timeless story that everyone should go and watch. This movie has an intriguing plot line that tells the story of two feuding families, The Montagues and The Capulets, and how the children of these two different families fall in love. The two children overcome various obstacles such as hiding their chemistry fromRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet951 Words  | 4 Pagesconsuming love is when one is consumed or over ruled by love. Their mind is clouded by love and choices can be irrational. In the calamitous play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two star-crossed lovers exemplify the theme that love requires loyalty and can be all consuming. The three characters who best displays the power of love are Romeo, Juliet, and Romeo’s friend, Mercutio. The loyalty that these people show also exemplifies their all consuming love. All of these characters have strongRead M oreEssay On Suicide In Romeo And Juliet980 Words  | 4 Pagespeople think there are no other options. In â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†by Shakespeare, the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, take their own lives. They decide to do this because they feel the only way out of their current situation is to kill themselves. They were so desperate that it got to the point where they couldn’t handle the pressure. Although readers agree on how they died, an argument occurs when this question is brought up. What pushed Romeo and Juliet past the breaking point that eventually ledRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Romeo And Juliet1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe play, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, describes two feuding families, by the names of Montague and Capulet. This play is also about two people that are so in love that they will do anything to be together. Both of these families have children of about the same age: Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is from the house of Montague, while Julie t is from the house of Capulet. The play explores the many character traits of Romeo and Juliet, some good and some bad. Ultimately, Romeo and Juliets’ impatience and determinationRead MoreOvid’s Pyramus and Thisbe Influence on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet816 Words  | 3 Pagesclearly evident in one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragic plays, Romeo and Juliet. Although Shakespeare may have extremely embellished the story, the plot of Romeo and Juliet is extremely parallel to the one in Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe. The two stories share a common theme. And the stories’ conclusion is essentially identical. It is clear to see, apart from Shakespeare’s extra ornate details, that the stories of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe are extremely related to each other. In Ovid’sRead MoreRomeo and Juliet and West Side Story: A Thematic Comparison1189 Words  | 5 PagesRomeo and Juliet and West Side Story share many similar themes. Romeo and Juliet both chronicle a story of overcoming prejudice and hatred, forbidden love, and defying stereotypes that nobody thought could be broken. The two stories are similar in a multitude of ways, even though their settings are centuries apart- Romeo and Juliet set in the 1500’s, and West Side Story set in the 1950’s. Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story both teach a lesson of how prejudice can teach you how to hate, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health And Poverty Of Latin America - 1809 Words
Maternal Health in Bolivia Stephanie Spencer Fall 2014 Health Poverty in Latin America Section 1E Globally, maternal health is an issue that has not been given adequate attention in many regions. Many women across the world are unable to avoid many preventable health consequences of pregnancy, which are usually extreme enough to result in death. In the Latin American region, Bolivia has some of the worst maternal health care systems, due to the underdevelopment of healthcare practices, insufficient political and social concern, and a lack of public awareness. Maternal deaths are attributable to risks caused by pregnancy and childbirth themselves, as well as from the lack of proper, good quality health services (Khan,†¦show more content†¦Giving women control over their fertility could, alone, reduce maternal deaths by up to 20–35% by minimizing pregnancies to the number desired (Khan, K. et al., 2006). Furthermore, educating the community about region-wide healthcare issues, i.e. facility hygiene methods and contraception practices, has not been a concern for the La Paz district, or for Bolivia in general. In a sense, the primary causes of maternal mortality from unsafe abortion are not only excessive bleeding or infection but, rather, a failure to recognize the severity of these circumstances and the necessity for reform (Grimes, D. et al. 2006). The public deserves a more direct access to healthcare facilities, principally in rural areas in which access to health care is remarkably limited. Most of the clinics and hospitals (responsible for performing these abortions) currently existing in Bolivia require additional financial support and substantial developments (â€Å"Child and Maternal..†2014). The Bolivian government has neglected to fulfill its responsibility of recognizing the fundamental right of its people to receiving adequate healthcare, and has not made substant ial improvements to instill safer abortion methods. Hypertension Besides abortion difficulties, there are a variety of medical complications that pregnant women are at risk of having. Some of the most prevalent illnesses affecting child-bearing
India’s Hofstede assignment sample paper
Question: Discuss about the Indias Hofstede. Answer: Introduction: Indias Hofstede The culture of the people is an important part of any society or nation. The study of Geert Hofstede is used widely to study different cultures and to compare the cultures of various nations. He defines culture as the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others (McLean Wang, 2015).The objective of this paper is to discuss the Hofstede model for India. The score of India on Hofstede dimensions can be shown as: Source: https://geert-hofstede.com/india.html The score of India for each of these dimensions can be discussed as: Power Distance: 77 This dimensions shows the difference between the people of society. The high score on this dimension reflects that people in the society are not equal. The score of 77 for India suggests the presence of various hierarchical levels in the society and a presence of top-down structure. Individualism: 48 This dimensions shows the traits of individualism in the country. India has an average score of 48 in this dimension. This suggests that Indian society is mix of individualism and collectivism. There are some people in the society that thinks that society is a mix of various classes and people should live life in a collective manner. Masculinity: 56 This dimension suggests the presence of competition in the society. The high score in this dimension reflects the high competition in the society where people are driven by achievement, competition and success. A low score in this dimension suggests that the people in the society have high quality and caring life. India scores 56on this dimension and is thus considered a Masculine society. Uncertainty Avoidance: 40 The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen. India scores 40 in this dimension and this shows that Indian people are patient and they accept the fact that future cannot be predicted. Long Term Orientation: 51 This dimension deals with the way society is linked with the past and how it impacts the future. India scores 51 on this dimension and this shows that India is a balanced society. The people in the India believe that future cannot be predicted and they believe in Karma. India has an average score and it shows that India does not think much about the future (Gill Sharma, 2012). Indulgence: 26 This dimension deals with the socialization level of children in the society. India scores only 26 on this dimension. This shows that Indian society is a restraint society where the emphasis is not given on leisure time or the attainment of personal desires. My Understanding of Hofsetde Findings I would discuss my experiences on the dimensions of Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance and Indulgence. My personal experience on these three dimensions can be discussed as: Power Distance: The high score of 77 for India suggests the presence of various hierarchical levels in the society and a presence of top-down structure. I have observed the same in my interaction with one of my friends (Chand, 2014). My Indian friend has various servants in his house and he told me the differences among the people at various level. My friend told me that power distance is reducing in India. However, the difference in the hierarchical level is felt as explained by my friend. Uncertainty Avoidance: India scores 40 in this dimension and this shows that Indian people are patient and they accept the fact that future cannot be predicted. My Indian friend told me that he lives the moment and he tries to improve his present life, as the future is uncertain. My friend told me that he does the short term planning and long term planning. However, the emphasis is given on short-term orientation and goals rather than long-term goals and objectives. He told me that he would have short term plans for future. Indulgence: India scores only 26 on this dimension. This shows that Indian society is a restraint society where the emphasis is not given on leisure time or the attainment of personal desires. I have felt the same in my friend. He always keeps himself busy with some work. He feels that life is well spent on the chores rather than free time. I can say that Indian people are very hard working people. I know my friend, who works at least 50 hours a week. He believes that people should work hard so that they can live a good life. Actually, the population is very high in India and likewise the competition in the country is high and opportunities are less. Therefore, Indian people do not have the luxury of leisure and free time. One Dimension Where Hofstede Results Surprised me One of the dimensions that surprised me is Indulgence. This dimension deals with the socialization level of children in the society. India scores only 26 on this dimension. This shows that Indian society is a restraint society where the emphasis is not given on leisure time or the attainment of personal desires (Caporarello Magni, 2016). However, there are various cases when I have realized that Indian likes leisure times. For example, one of my uncles is Indian and every year he would have vacation plan. He strongly believes that people should have vacation time so that they can enjoy with their friends and family. References Caporarello, L., Magni, M. and Pennarola, F., 2014, September. Does Culture Make the difference? Technology Acceptance and Diffusion in India. InMCIS(p. 15). Chand, M., 2014. Diaspora identity, acculturation policy and FDI: The Indian diaspora in Canada and the United States.Asian Business Management,13(4), pp.283-308. Gill, A., Sharma, S.P., Mathur, N. and Bhutani, S., 2012. The effects of job satisfaction and work experience on employee-desire for empowerment: A comparative study in Canada and India.International Journal of Management,29(1), p.190. Wang, J. and McLean, G.N., 2015. Promoting Diversity in India Where Do We Go From Here?.Advances in Developing Human Resources, p.1523422315614930.
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